Master the ancient art of baking with a wild yeast leaven to create nutritious, delicious and beautiful sourdough breads. Learn how to make and manage your own leaven and bake genuine artisan sourdoughs with surprisingly little effort. Get the sourdough taste and texture you’ve always wanted, from mildly tangy to truly tart- and, if you like it that way, properly holey! Discover the trick of fitting “slow dough” into the fastest lifestyles! Learn a wonderfully simple sourdough routine that’s good for you, body and soul. Hand-made sourdough bread is real bread. It’s better for your body, thanks to its low GI, and the way fermentation modifies gluten, making it easier for your gut to digest, while making nutrients in the flour more bio-available. It’s also good for your soul. A freshly baked artisan sourdough on the table is guaranteed to warm anyone’s heart - and the good news is that you can easily do this every day. Our practical course is designed to give you crystal clear instructions on how to build beautiful, sourdough bread-baking into your everyday life. No stress, no fuss. Just a simple, 5-minute routine. We start by explaining what a natural, wild yeast starter (leaven) is, and exactly how to make and look after your own. Creating the starter takes about 1 minute a day for 5 days, but after that you can keep it going for the rest of your life. Once your starter is established, you’re ready to begin the first of our six authentic sourdough projects. Each one gives you an insight into a different technique, a different flour, or ways to incorporate other ingredients. Together, they build your knowledge and experience of key sourdough principles such as leaven use, hydration, fermentation and retardation. Whether it’s a crackling baguette, a fragrant thyme and olive bread or a rich walnut rye, we aim to give you enough knowledge and confidence to regularly bake all your own sourdough breads for yourself with virtually no effort at all.
What's included in the price?
Step-by-step video instructions from expert artisan bakers, with lifetime access to the course once you have downloaded it. PDFs to print out with all the recipes,tips and techniques. Tutors available to respond to your questions online.
What you will need
A device on which to watch the video lectures, and read the written articles. Instructions for making a wild yeast leaven (sourdough starter) are given in the course. This takes about 3 days to be ready for use, so you should plan ahead for your first baking day. Most bakers will already have a basic range of equipment, but the list of what we use on the course is given here: Digital scales, or measuring cups. Probe thermometer Jug Mixing bowl (which will fit in your fridge) Plastic scrapers Sharp lame, grignette or craft blade for scoring dough A couple of metal baking trays and a loaf tin A couple of bannetons or proving baskets. A clean dish brush (or similar) for brushing out bannetons A silicone spatula A flour shaker A couple of clean shower hats A plant sprayer for misting dough with water .
The Artisan Bakery School was first established in 2008. Penny & Dragan remain as passionate about teaching baking skills for breads, pastries and pizza, as when we first began. Baking makes people more self-reliant, more responsible for their own health, and generally much, much happier! Why not join us?
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Hearing impaired
- Suitable for beginners
- Intermediate level

This course is taught online