

Contact name: Jay or Lily
Total bookings
almost 1 year
with CraftCourses

Maker's bio

I have been a writer and tutor for over twenty years writing courses such as The Celebrant Diploma, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Child Psychology, Child Development, Counselling and many more. The courses are expensive to buy (mostly over £500) so as I am semi retired I decided to rewrite them and sell them as ebooks for £4.99. As a mum of 5 I know that travelling light with kids is so important. I also write On The Go Stories for kids. Pop them in your handbag, wallet, pocket, hand luggage, et. No heavy books to carry and you can download them as often as you like. Put them in birthday cards, send them in letters, or add them to a gift x

Courses, kits & gifts

*The Art Of A Celebrant
19 items left
How To Make Money Working From Home
16 items left
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