Textile art courses, craft kits and handcrafted gifts

Textile arts courses, live classes, kits and online workshops with UK makers. Is your eye caught by bright and beautiful fabrics? Your gaze held by the allure of a perfect loom? Do you long to plunge your hand into sackfuls of fine merino wool? Textile art is as wide and varied as the numerous fibres available to mankind. Learn and discover techniques such as embroidery, batik, sewing, hand spinning, knitting, crochet, felting, rug making and weaving. A thriving modern art form, textile art abounds in the UK. Start your journey here.
bronze badge
Intermediate hand embroidery distance learning kit and instructions
10 items left
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Beginners Hand Embroidery Distance Learning Workshop - kit and instructions.
8 items left
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Children's Christmas Rudolph Red Nose Reindeer Cross Stitch Sewing Kit
15 items left
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Children's Rainbow Unicorn Cross Stitch Sewing Kit
14 items left
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Artful Stitching; Hand Embroidery and Creative Expression
3 hours
Next date: 20th Jun 2024
6 places left
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Textured Textiles Workshop
5 hours
Next date: 17th Aug 2024
6 places left
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Wet felting Kit - Yorkshire Moors
2½ hours
9 items left
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Little lost sheep Felting Kit for children
1½ hours
10 items left
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Beach Wet Felting Kit
2½ hours (10:00am to 12:45pm)
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Wet Felting Kit
2½ hours (10:00am to 12:45pm)
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Blended Tapestry Weaving Kit
10 items left
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Tapestry Weaving for Beginners with Margaret Jones
7 hours
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Bird textile art kit
3 items left
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Botanical Textile Art Kit
2½ hours
3 items left
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Wet felting class
4 hours
Next date: 5th Jun 2024
3 places left
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Digital mark making for textiles and stitch from photos
500 items left
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Rust dyed quilt wall hanging tutorial
500 items left
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DIY Kit: Christmas Bauble Kit (Leather or Vegan)
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DIY Kit: Christmas Bauble Kit (card)
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Butterflies, Dragonflies and BumbleBees - A Machine Embroidery Workshop By Alex Waylett Delivered To Your Door
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Colour confidence for quilters and textile artists
52 weeks
200 items left
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Monthly inspiration garden themes
250 items left
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Art and textile inspiration prompts
52 weeks
200 items left
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Monthly inspiration themes for textiles
250 items left
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Understanding colour value for quilters
499 items left
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Monthly inspiration travel
250 items left
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Modern quilting
52 weeks
199 items left
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First steps in patchwork and quilting online
20 weeks
199 items left


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