Rag rug making handcrafted gifts

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Learn rag rugging at courses, classes, groups and workshops taught all across the UK. Rug making is great fun with the additional joy of being able to keep your feet warm for the rest of the year! Rug making courses and workshops are taught across the UK and you can learn how to make a rag rug, a proddy rug, braided or woven rug. Learn the techniques of hooking and meet a like-minded group of people at the same time! Make a lovely rug to give as a present to your friends or family, or attend the course together with friends for a fun day out.
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'More Rag Rugs & Recycled Textile Projects' book
19 items left
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Raggy Seat Mat
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An Introduction to RAG RUGS - Creative Recycling
9 items left


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