Pole lathe turning taster day: bowl turning
An introduction to pole lathe bowl turning suitable for complete beginners or those who have a bit of experience. Initially a bowl blank will be mounted on the lathe for you to turn your first bowl using hook tools, with plenty of coaching. Then we will consider selection of wood and preparation for turning; you will prepare a blank yourself with an axe at the chopping block, and learn to mount it on the lathe. You will produce one, and maybe two bowls during the day. By the end of this session you should feel confident to be able to have a go on a lathe on your own at home. And if making your own lathe seems a little daunting you could always book a place on our "Make and use a Touch-Wood Lathe" or even buy one from the website. This is quite a physically demanding course. There will be plenty of breaks and stops to talk about process and technique but a reasonable level of fitness is required to make sure you get the most out of the day. The source of the materials is all around – Herefordshire is rich in ancient woodland, and we help to manage them in a sensitive and sustainable way. Native hardwoods are harvested locally, to be crafted into a range of items, using traditional methods and simple hand tools. Camping is available on site, please enquire. Enjoy this ancient and absorbing craft, coached by an experienced artisan tutor, and take the fruits of your labour home with you at the end of the day!
What's included in the price?
All materials, tuition and use of tools are included. There will be kettle fire with tea, coffee and herb teas and biscuits provided. Please bring a packed lunch.
1 day
Cancellation policy
Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Intermediate level
- Christmas
- Advanced/pro level
- Father's Day
- Mother's Day
- Accommodation offered
- Suitable for beginners