Free motion textile embroidery landscapes



Create your own hand drawn, painted and free motion stitched artwork ready for framing. All you need to bring is a favourite photo of a landscape or reference material for a landscape painting. Materials needed are - watercolours, a fine black marker pen, a fabric pencil, sewing machine where you can drop the feed dogs and a darning foot attached, also a selection of bobbins for your machine, scissors and any other personal pieces of equipment that you would normally use?

What's included in the price?

Background fabric, a selection of cottons, interface, embroidery cottons & needles. A light lunch, refreshments & cake.


1 day

Cancellation policy




with Craft Courses since 2019

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I am a designer/maker working with textiles, free machine embroidery, hand stitching and paint. I work with felt, vintage linens & recycled scraps, blending felt & fibres to gain the correct mix of colour & texture.  Nature is a constant theme and I find inspiration during our many dog walks around the Suffolk countryside and the coast. Drawn to anything a little bit quirky and different, I'm constantly striving for new ideas and pushing the boundary of what can be created with stitch.

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Intermediate level
  • Romantic
  • Advanced/pro level
bronze badge
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Bodgers Cottage, 7 The Street, Brampton, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 8DZ