When you can draw a line (it doesn't have to be a straight line) ... when you can draw a shape with that line ... when you can decide how light or dark (white to black) you want that shape to be ... then you are learning to draw. With practice and careful observation, you can master the skill of drawing. The course is comprised of eight sessions. You will have access to a new session each week. You may return to any of your sessions at any time.
What's included in the price?
Included in the course: 1. A mini course on Closed And Open Shapes 2. Lessons covering the following: a. Continuous Line Drawing b. Contour Drawing c. Marks; Lines, Shapes; Composition; Form; Value 3. A bonus lesson on how to create your own small travel kit for sketching. 4. Additional pdf files to download and print for use during the course.
What you will need
Materials: Paper and or Sketchbook Suggested drawing tools: Pencil, fountain pen, fine tip marker, gel pen, ballpoint pen For the lesson on marks you will need the following: Materials: 150 sheets of 5" x 7" paper (or 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" if you cut 8 1/2" x 11" paper into quarters) I recommend using ink and brush. You may also use pencil, pen, dip pen, charcoal, etc. For the Composition lesson you will also need a few sheets of tracing paper. For the FORM lesson you will need a black and white photograph with a strong composition, a composition that YOU feel is a strong composition. The photo should be at least 15 cm x 15 cm (It doesn't have to be square.
I travel half the year exploring, sketching and painting throughout the world. When travelling, I work mainly in sketchbooks, representationally, in ink and watercolour. In my home studio I paint abstractly in watercolour or oil. I teach several live workshops each year in Wales, focusing on the joy of colour, fun sketching techniques and training your eyes to observe. Workshop students receive free access to several of my online courses to reinforce what I teach in the workshops.
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Suitable for beginners
- Intermediate level

This course is taught online