Modern Calligraphy Workshop for Beginners - Hartley Wintney



On arrival, you will be given your calligraphy kit, including dip pen holder, nib, ink and worksheets, to use throughout the session (this is all yours to take home!). You will learn the basic strokes, practice writing the alphabet, learn how to join the letters up to make words and learn how to add in simple flourishes. I will also show you techniques which will help you to find your own style. There will be plenty of one-to-one time during the group workshop so each student has enough time & attention to help develop their own style at their own pace. We will finish off the workshop by creating a greeting card to take home to your loved one!

What's included in the price?

Calligraphy kit - pen holder, nib and black ink. 25 min. recap video for practicing further at home. Refreshments - tea, coffee and cake.


2½ hours

Cancellation policy

Non-refundable - Refunds are not available


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Jodie Rose Calligraphy

with Craft Courses since 2024

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Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Children
  • Hearing impaired
  • Limited mobility
  • Intermediate level
  • Hen dos
  • Corporate days out & team building
  • Tutor can travel
  • School holiday workshops & activities
  • Engagement, birthdays & anniversaries
  • Suitable for beginners
  • Stag dos
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I understand that sometimes plans can change, however by purchasing a ticket, you are buying a non-refundable space on this workshop. Your place can be transferred to a friend - please let me know if you do this. If you contact me with enough notice, I will try my best to resell your space on the workshop to allow you to move to another date, but this isn't guaranteed.


22 High Street, Hartley Wintney, Hartley Wintney, Hampshire, RG27 8NY