Flowing Wax is a fascinating hotplate way of working with the encaustic art process. Melt coloured waxes and create amazing artwork and backgrounds for enhancement or developing with the Stylus, or just for using as they are. No former encaustic experience is necessary to get started with this Flowing Wax approach. People who have taken this course report great enjoyment of the process.
What's included in the price?
The main technique material is delivered in a number of videos, totalling more than two and a half hours of demonstration tutorials. There are also a few Study Focus units where photographs and text instructions will remind and amplify the understanding given initially by the videos. There are 2 Inspiration Galleries. one with A5 work and the other with larger A3 work.
What you will need
A good quality hotplate with good control of heat. We use the Encaustic Art Compact Hotplate for the first section of the teaching. This could be enough if you don't want to progress onto larger work. For larger pieces in the second part of the course we use the Encaustic Art Electric Hotplate which is almost an A2 size and will easily accommodate the A3 card we use. Encaustic Art Wax Block colours are the waxes we use, especially important is to have the clear medium ones (no pigment) and white. The BASIC set of encaustic art colours (16) is a good start. Encaustic Art painting card - sizes A5 (section 1 on Compact Hotplate) and the A3 white card for the larger work. You could just get A3 and then cut it into quarters to have A5 pieces. An Encaustic Art Stylus Pro or older Stylus with a drawing tip allows enhancement and development of images. Details can be added! Large boxed tissue is vital for cleaning the molten wax as well as working the wax colours.
Developer and promoter for Encaustic Art since 1986.
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Children
- Wheelchair users
- Hearing impaired
- Suitable for beginners

This course is taught online