Graffiti Drawing for Kids (Groups only)



Are you looking for things to do for kids to do at home? Join Rebel Stepz for this fun virtual graffiti drawing class for kids! In this class, your kid will be guided through the simple step by step process of creating their own graffiti-inspired sketches by an expert artist. They will learn how to draw fonts and lettering drawing as well as discover techniques to help them sketch a graffiti character. If you're looking for things to do after school, why not get your kid their minds and imgaginations and learn graffiti drawing. This is a great way to keep kids learning, thinking and developing skills through the school year. Why not book this as an activity for a birthday, school or community group activity? Price is per person but happy to accept a flat fee for groups of 10+ people. Minimum booking of 4 people.

What you will need

Plain paper Lead pencil Eraser Anything to add colour with


75 minutes

Cancellation policy

Non-refundable - Refunds are not available


Rebel Stepz creates educational and artistic programs for the community, implementing courses into schools, community organisations and workplaces. Courses are designed to enhance community connection, create unique educational experiences, and promote the arts as a form of wellbeing. Rebel Stepz works with local councils, schools, and corporate clients, offering a range of services such as classes, performances, event management, production services, and team building projects.

Suitable for

  • Teenagers
  • Children
  • Suitable for beginners
  • School holiday workshops & activities
Message the tutor

This course is taught online